Today the letter was fed ex'd to my agency in Colorado. From there, my intent to adopt is communicated to CCAA. I believe one of the things that happens there is that an appointment at the Chinese consulate in Guangzhou is being arranged. When this date is set, then the agency can plan my trip and tell me when and where I need to be.

Jiangxi Province is near Hong Kong, so I will probably be flying there first. A "typical" trip would be spending 2 to 3 days to adjust to the time and to do a little touring. Then the group of families (I don't know how many yet) will travel to the Province. Shortly after arriving is when I think we receive our children. This day is commonly known as "gotcha day". Some families choose other names like Family Day, Forever Family Day. More than four years ago, when I first heard of this concept, I decided to name this day M&M day. Mommy and Me Day. And one way we'd mark that day would be to eat M&Ms. As I write this I still like the idea, but I'm holding out until I have the chance to experience that day.
The next few days are spent in the province while paperwork is done. The details of what happens on those days is unclear. Our children are ours at this point, so there is time to address any minor medical issues, like colds, scabies, lice. We can choose to do our own thing or take ventures around the area. With just under a week to go, we head to Guangzhou. This is where the consolate is, and I believe a medical check. In between the formalities and appointments more quiet time with your child and/or time spent shopping, taking walks etc. I will have a clearer idea of the trip in a few days, but this is the gist.
Awww....look at those pictures. So nice to see all of her. She is a real doll!